Sunday, 23 September 2012

Bye bye...

One of my mama besties VH had always been talking about moving back to Sydney where she was from with her hubby and her little baby M. The thing is when she was talking about it, it always seemed so far in the future, like a distant thing that wouldn't really happen in my lifetime and I wouldn't have to ever deal with it. Boy, was I wrong. The move was upon us like no-ones business and all of a sudden last week she left. Okay, not really all of a sudden but it felt that way. It's gutting for so many reasons, not least because Sydney is so far away but because VH was one of the first mamas I met who was like me. She helped find my 'self' again when I was a bit lost in the world of mummyhood. We've been through a lot in a short space of time - dealing with baby tantrums, husband tantrums, learning to live with your post-baby body, making your mummy self work with your old life, all the curveballs that new mums have to deal with we've done it together. It feels so weird that she's not 10 minutes round the corner or at the end of a text. It's chink in my armour just when I thought I was feeling strong. It also makes me feel so sad that she'll miss so much of Nai Nai's growing up and I'll miss baby M becoming a toddler and a little boy. Hey, perhaps the mama crew will take on Sydney one day in a mass visit! But in the meantime - VH, I miss you and I love you tons. Come back please. 

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