Thursday, 12 July 2012

With a little help from my friends...

This week my friends have really pulled out all the stops and been particularly fabulous. Now, don't get me wrong, my friends are always wonderful, warm people, maybe it's just that this week I've had a chance to think about just how special they are. My best friend from Glas-vegas, K (she will from here on in be known as Glas-vegas K) sent me an amazing pair of earrings from Topshop as a good luck pressie for a wee project I've been working on, my fab mummy pal V invited us to her son's beautiful christening then proceeded to ply us with wine and Vietnamese food, another good friend of mine E who lives in Spain is coming for a visit in a few weeks and I can't wait to see her and for Nai Nai to finally meet her. Three examples of fabulous friendship. When I first became a mummy, after the first six weeks when everyone had stopped visiting every day, I felt like I was so distant from some of my friends. It took me a while to figure out who was really going to be in my life for the long haul and who just wasn't worth caring about. It was a hard process but one that was so necessary. Looking back I realise I have gained so much more that I have lost. I've figured out who my real friends are, the ones who are going to be in Nai Nai's life aswell as mine, the ones who love me whether I'm wearing my mummy hat, my journo hat or my chatting-s***-at-a-hundred-miles-an-hour hat, the ones who aren't just drinking buddies. I've made a whole heap of gorgeous mama mates who truly understand what it's like to combine your old self with your new self. And I reaffirmed so many friendships and my relationship with my besties (K and AA) have become so much stronger. It's so refreshing not to have to expel energy on people that I just don't really care about. And all this has made me want to be a better friend too, to take the time to reach out to my buds who I truly love and be more generous with my time to be there for them as much as they are for me. For all the mamas (or just anyone) out there who feels like they're losing friends - don't worry. The truth is if they can't be bothered with you now they weren't really your friend in the first place. And you never really lose friends, you just find out who your real ones are. To all my friends, you know who you are, I love you more than you know. Group hug y'all....

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