Monday, 11 June 2012

I'm officially a Pushy Mother!

Whoop whoop! *high fives self then jumps up and down, spins around and touches the ground* As you can tell I am slightly pleased with myself. Yes - I did it! I braved exercising outside in the wind and rain with a bunch of people I don't know and I joined Pushy Mothers. Now, it's not the type of thing that I would have normally saw myself doing but stuff it - if it gets me fit and feeling fabulous once more then I'm up for it. Don't get me wrong - it was hardcore but I completed the hour workout and even joined up for the month. There was no running but a lot of step ups and pushing Nai Nai up and down hills but when the hour was up I felt epic, it had a proper Superwoman effect. I was a bit achey for the next two days but it was bearable and I'm all over going back for more. I thought I would be intimidated by loadsa fit mums who had been doing it for weeks but I realised that every mama there was in the same boat as me and therefore there was absolutely no judgement. I even made a few friends to boot. This definitely a must for any mamas out there in need of getting fit in a fun way. Check out for you nearest class and sign up immediately if not sooner.

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